The manawatu business chamber logo is green and black

Manawatu District Council

A white background with a few lines on it
Strategic Priorities
A place to belong and grow. He kāinga e ora pai ai te katoa - We provide leisure and sports facilities and support community activities to encourage social and cultural well-being for everyone.
A future planned together. He kāinga ka whakamaherea tahitia tōna anamata e te hapori tonu - We work with all parts of our community to plan for a future everyone can enjoy.
An environment to be proud of. He kāinga ka rauhītia tōna taiao - We protect and care for the Manawatū District’s natural and physical resources.
Infrastructure fit for future. He kāinga ka tūwhena tonu ōna pūnahahanga, haere ake nei te wā - We ensure the Manawatū District has infrastructure (water, roads, etc.) that meets the needs of the community now and into the future.
A prosperous, resilient economy. He kāinga ka tōnui tōna ōhanga - We aim to make the Manawatū District a great place to live, to visit and to do business.
Value for money and excellence in local government He kāinga ka eke tōna kāwanatanga ā-rohe ki ngā taumata o te kairangi - We take pride in serving our communities. We focus on doing the best for the District.
Manawatu District Council
06 323 0000

135 Manchester Street

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